
We are a baptist church that has an uncompromsing focus on God's Word and an unyielding passion to declare and live the Gospel.

If you are curious about God, wondering about your purpose in life, want to find a solid Bible-believing church or have questions about God's existence altogether - we are confident you can find a home. Please take some time to browse through our site or better yet come join us for one of our activities.

Our activities serve as a forum to praise, bond, learn, and pray—all key actions to live out a Christian faith.

You will experience personal opportunities to learn what the Christian faith is all about. Activities are tailored to fit the needs and current issues faced by each age or language group. If you have any questions please feel free to visit, call or email us.

Want to know what a typical Sunday is like? Click here to find out.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” - Acts 2:42

what we do


Our worship services are about

the people of God

singing the praises of God

in the presence of God

as we learn from God’s Word about how to walk with Him.

  • Sunday @ 9:30am

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  • 主日崇拜  @ 11:00AM 

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  • 主日崇拜  @ 1:30PM 

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